Phavorite Phood Phmeme

I have been tagged by Christine for the Phavorite Phood Phmeme, not sure if Phmeme works for me or not, but the other two do. I have been very bad about getting back to this meme as I was tagged for it on May 18th, Yikes, sorry Christine. Here are the Rules, Copy them and use them on your blog when you are tagged by Me.

The complete rules:

1. Link to the name of the person who tagged you.

2. Include the state and country you’re in.

3. List your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location (locally).

4. Tag 5 other people (preferably from other countries/states) and let them know they’ve been tagged.

Okay I linked to Christine, rule #1 is done. I am in Massachusetts and that is the United States, Rule #2 done.

My top 5 places to eat. Well they are not all in my location as I travel all over the country.

#1. McGraths Fish House. – I installed a site in Ashland Oregon and ate at the restaurant every single trip. They had great calamari and strawberry lemonade with real strawberries.

#2. Paul’s Pizza – This is located in Falmouth, Ma and it is the best pizza on the Cape. It is so unique and delicious and I have not had near enough of it this summer.

#3. Mojo’s in Oklahoma – Off of historic Route 66 in Oklahoma this place has some of the best BBQ ever.

#4 – Outlaw BBQ in Foxboro MA – Some great BBQ in my own backyard.

#5 – Fortune House in Cumberland, RI – Worth the drive every single time, never had a bad meal there ever.

I am going to tag, whoever would like to be tagged for this, especially if you live outside of New England maybe you might give me the thoughts on my new favorite eatery. Leave a comment if you would like to play.

My Digital Camera(s)

One thing that is never far from my side is my digital camera. And that is because I take at least one photo every single day. I have 3 digital cameras at the moment, one is a Canon Point and Shoot, the other is a Nikon DSLR, and the last is a Sanyo Xacti C4 combo video/still camera. Out of all of my cameras I like the Nikon the best. In our family we have three Nikon digital cameras. My sister has one and so does my father. It is a good thing that we have the same style camera because we can share our lenses with each other.

Just take a look at this photo that I got from my Nikon camera. This was for a previous Photo-Hunters hunt for things that are fake.

Photo Hunt : Fake 07/07/07

Without a digital camera I would not be able to take a photo each day without racking up super expensive bills, Digital cameras are allowing people to capture more memories at all kinds of events. Not sure what things would be like without one.

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