Design a Credit Card…

No, not the APR and things like that but rather the design the image on the credit card. This is a promotion that is going on right now from PayJr. The PAYjr Visa Buxx Competition gives you a chance to upload an image that could be selected to win the competition and not only that if people who get the card choose your image then you get royalties. When else have you heard about credit cards paying you rather than the other way around. Here are some sample designs.

Did you notice that the people on the cards were young? That is because PayJr is a card that parents can get for their teens and prepay the amount, so it is great for allowance, and teaching kids about credit and money. Plus with the card having a set amount on it your kids can’t spend more than what is on the card.

Read my disclosure policy. You can make money with your blog too, click on the referral button.

See what happens when I am not online

Today I got triple tagged. That is what happens when I am not online for most of the entire day. I log on see that three FOUR people tagged me for Memes. Man I must be slightly popular. So the Meme’s are for 8 things about me. I was tagged for that by Olivia of The Funky Olive and Rebecca of The Stuff I Think. Then I also got tagged by Karen of Clutzy’s Clutches, a long time reader and online friend, for this Meme 5 Weird Things about Myself and 10 Facts About myself. There is going to be a lot of sharing in this post so get ready. And Karen’s son Greg of SpeakerG also tagged me for the 8 things. And on 8/6/07 Meeyauw tagged me for this as well.

First the *8 things Meme* If you got tagged by me for this then copy the rules that are in bold.

The Rules: “Each person links to the person who tagged them. Then each person posts the rules before their list, then they list 8 things about themselves. At the end of the post, that person tags and links to 8 other people and then visits those peoples’ sites and comments letting them know that they have been tagged, and to come read the post, so they know what they have to do.”

Here are 8 things about me.
1. I need to get to airports 2 hours before my flight, even if I need to wake up at 3:45am.
2. I tried Sunny Seed Drops today (Chocolate covered sunflower nuts), the jury is still out about what I think of them.
3. I collect comic books.
4. I love LEGO, first toys I ever remember receiving at age 5.
5. I love BBQ
6. I make a mean Creme Brulee (not really but my good friend Derek tells everyone I do)
7. I’m going to be a father, soon.
8. I used to be able to walk on water. (My grandfather had these giant pontoon like shoes that allowed you to walk on water, they were very hard to use and mostly ended up making me go into a split a position over the water that a boy should never attempt and so I would fall face first into the water or risk a good tear.)

So for this I will tag 8 people.
I will have to make sure that they haven’t been tagged before either. That is a tough one as I was late to the party.

Stephen at Stephen the Dog
Christine at Tales from the BallPark
Josh at The Sankey’s Stories
Allison at Sparky’s View
Autumn of Autumn Indigo
Mo at We’re in a Fight
Princesse at La Belle Saison
Tricia at Feverish Thoughts

So now I will attempt the second Meme.

If you were tagged for this one copy the rules below that are in italics.

There were no rules sent to me so just say 5 weird things about yourself, and then 10 facts and then tag as many people as you see fit.

5 Weird things about me.

1. I don’t think 5 will cover them all.
2. Listening to someone else chew makes me physically nauseous. I always end up next to some person in line chewing gum like a cow, slapping land slurping and smacking their lips. Nauseating.
3. I can’t stand the smell of bananas.
4. I actually like cottage cheese (my wife thinks that is weird.)
5. I ‘save’ the best, most well shaped and saltiest pretzel for last when I am eating them, this often gets eaten by my wife, (I love you hon.) I want my last bite of every meal to be the best.

10 Facts about me
1. I have brown eyes.
2. I have a plastic lens in my left eye.
3. I have a wicked scar on my left arm. (I got it when one of my nerves got moved, I still haven’t come up with a cooler story than that.)
4. I have brown hair, albeit thinning.
5. I am 5’9
6. I always set my things in the same order on the security belt at the airport.
7. I love to read
8. I love to take photos
9. I enjoy folk music
10. I am a parrot head.

The people I am tagging for this are

Sylvie D. of A Glimpse on my life in La Rochelle
Bill Blunt of Bill Blunt, the man who tells it like it is.

Okay, just two more Meme’s and I should be caught up on all my tags. Be on the lookout for my Power to Schmooze Meme entry and the fantastic food one, Christine I did not forget, just been swamped Schmoozing and throwing contests.