Photo-A-Day #937 11/01/07

Today Shelby came home and visited us for a while. She spent hours holding Eva. Eva loved it. And she brought Eva some very cute outfits.

We also had a great meal with Shelby, Tara and Erik at Rancho Chico. I haven’t had good Mexican food in a while and Rancho Chico was good Mexican food.

Scoble has Twitter Influence…

I was looking at my twitter today and I saw a twitter by Cali Lewis of Geek Brief.TV. Her twitter asked, “I have Twitter Influence?” And yes she does according to This is a visual representation of the people on twitter who have the most followers.

Here is what the website states:

TwitterPoster is a visual application based on Twitter API.
It provides a visual representation of the degree of influence of the Twitter users.
The size, 24×24, 48×48 and 2×72 pixels is set based on the number of followers of each user

And guess who has the biggest number of followers (6845 at the time I loaded the page). Robert Scoble. I’m following him and Cali Lewis (1985 followers) and Danielle Corsetto (282 followers) on Twitter. How about you? Anybody that you follow on TwitterPoster?

So now I am interested in getting my mug up on that page. I have 42 followers so far. Feel free to follow me on Twitter.

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