The Fab Four – Part 2

In the concluding video of the Fab Four we get to hear the rest of the story from our panelists. Drew, Karen, Mr Fab. and Colleen.

Being a part of this group was really one of the highlights of my time at Postiecon. Although the Cake Plow and the party at Tao were also very very fun. I liked that while I was up there I could see the live feed happening and that is why you probably see me looking down. I think someone said on there “Let Drew talk, he has to go back to old questions because he didn’t get a chance to answer them.”

Sure that happened and was a bit frustrating but I don’t have a dominating personality and just go with the flow. I don’t begrudge anyone for rocking the mic. I said what I wanted to say for the most part and when things were important that I think the viewers wanted to see I would go back to questions I didn’t get a chance to answer. Of course I bet quite a few people were wondering what I was doing up there in the first place. No matter, it was a great time and I was surrounded by some great people both on the stage and off.