Photo-A-Day #971 12/05/07

I feel very limited with my point and shoot camera. I cannot set DOF or focus or anything. So I asked Drew if I could take his portrait. He came up with this. He looks very much like some sort of deranged elf about to leap from behind the revolving tree. We were at the big restaurant in Grundy, VA. There were quite a few stuffed animals (real ones not like the ones we have for Eva) around the place. It was a restaurant/bar/pool hall. A very interesting place but they had pretty good steaks.

We hung around after dinner and played a little pool. I tried to get a decent shoot for the December Challenge, something with the pool cues and whatnot but since I can’t control focus on the Point and Shoot things did not come out exactly like I wanted. I elected to leave the DSLR at home and figured I’d get decent shots with the point and shoot. however I am finding that I have limited control and need to make my portraits outside to make them better. I am learning and hoping to make my skills better. There are quite a few people doing the challenge and they have some fantastic stuff online. You can see the December Challenge threads on Flickr and Zooomr.

Here is a group picture in front of the revolving Christmas Tree

Photo-A-Day #971b 12/05/07

Revealing The Human Behind The Avatar

The first ever FuelMyBlog book is complete. It is a 64 page look at the human beings behind the avatars. An avatar is a representation of yourself online. Some people use cartoons, some use abstract photos and some use their very own face.

For this book members of FuelMyBlog were asked to generate a photo of themselves with their avatar printed on a piece of paper and placed in front of their face. Then the FuelMyBlog member could write 100 words about themself and their blogs. The photos were uploaded to Flickr and then compiled by Blurb into a book. Blurb is a great way to get photos put together into one complete book.

By the Fuelmyblog Co…

Also a great thing is that 15% of the sale of each book sold to Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres.

Here is my submission for the book.

BenSpark: The Human Behind the Avatar

I’m very excited about seeing my photo and writ up in print. Kevin and Sylvie at FuelMyBlog really have great ideas to get bloggers to participate in things on and offline. Great job guys!

Now playing: Barenaked Ladies – Call And Answer
via FoxyTunes