Daddy is watching Eva while Allison is off to knitting class. I am glad Allison is getting back to normal routine. She is a fine knitter and has made so many nice things.
Eva was calmed down and taken to resting with either 1 or both of her arms up by or behind her head.
I returned the bluetooth headphones. They worked fine but I could not get them low enough for comfortable listening for all songs. I am going to shop around. Also they would not play music through my computer. The device was paired correctly but would only play a snippet of the song then go silent. What I did like was that the charger was the same as my phone.
I can’t believe that Heath Ledger died. It will be so weird watching The Dark Knight knowing that he is dead.
Oh, and Eva is screaming like a banshee at the moment, got to get her bottle.
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