The new IZEA Boards

I’ve been a member of the IZEA community since before it was called IZEA. This company constantly innovates and reinvents itself and the resources it has available. Recently the IZEA Boards had a complete overhaul. There are sections for Community, the IZEA sites like Rockstartup, Zookoda and PayPerPost and even a section for Better Blogging.

I haven’t always been a fan of message boards. I’ve seen drama unfold like an afternoon soap opera on message boards. But, I think that you miss out on half of the community aspect of an organization that you are part of if you don’t participate in the message boards a little. For instance, I would not have known that registration for IZEAFest 2008 was open had it not been for someone using the boards and telling me about it. That got my butt in gear to sign up and register for the event.

The message boards are also great places to exchange ideas with other people, connect with friends and help people out. I am excited over the many innovations that have been added to the IZEA boards. If you are at all interested in RockStartup, PAyPerPost, SocialSpark or any of the IZEA properties than it behooves you to visit the boards. Poke around, say hello and get to know the community.

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Wrapped.. PAD #1090

Wrapped.. PAD #1090

I went back to the office today. I think I was making everyone nervous by being home with Allison for so long. It didn’t help that I sent an e-mail yesterday that stated “In case you hadn’t heard the news” and then I added this link: Since many people from work read my blog from time to time I bet they thought I had some sort of announcement, however that was not the case. Seriously I love the You got Rick Rolled concept. Whoever thought of that it is priceless.

Another day with The April Challenge. Today I took a walk with Eva around the big loop. Memere came with us and took over stroller duties as I stopped to take photos of the different images of Entropy I could find. I have many that I will go back for each day, as I have to take my Photo-A-Day each day. I hope you like today’s, it is pretty interesting.

If you are not interested in Social Spark or Entrecard or the current Blog Sponsorship debate then stop reading now.

I have been working with Social Spark and I had a sponsorship bar on this blog. It has sparked a firestorm of debate in the Entrecard community. Many people were talking about and bashing me for using the Social Spark sponsorship banner. Mostly they were hostile because they could not just drop and run. That really was the impetus behind the angst. What they did not know was that the Social Spark Banner had nothing to do with the EC problems.

It was my own code with the Photo-A-Day widget. I made some changes to it as I had started some housecleaning on this blog. That code messed up the EC code. But did anyone contact me to let me know something was wrong. Nope they ran to a forum to complain about Social Spark and one individual simply stated, “Dude Social Spark is killing your blog.” Not exactly constructive or helpful. But that same person went on to comment about The BenSpark on a very well written post about Social Spark and the sponsorship banners. But what really burns me about the posts on those blogs is that no one even linked to my blog. Sheesh, the Nerve! That was a joke. That is okay, they can check out The Wired Kayaker tomorrow for the sponsorship on that blog.

Again if you have an issue with this blog or with what I have put up, leave me an intelligent comment. Emphasis on intelligent.

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