When I arrived home from my flight I went straight home and then to the North Attleboro High School Track. There I saw a bunch of teams who had come together to raise money for Cancer research. I caught up with Allison and then Eva (she was being pushed around the track by one of the folks from church.) Eva gave me my first kiss. She just started doing this yesterday and it is so cute.
I took Eva around the track for a mile and a half and then Allison joined us for another mile. We ran into family and friends. Survivors had purple shirts and everyone else had white ones. The track was lined with luminaries. I helped light a bunch before we headed home for the night. We will go back in the morning. We did get to see all the luminaries lit up before we headed home.
We will go back over in the morning and I will get more photos. It was chaotic and too much to get them tonight.
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