Last night I realized that I hadn’t taken a photo of Eva and she was already down for the night. So I missed getting a photo of her being 8 months old. Well, today I made sure I got a photo of her at eight months + one day old. Right now she is giving us a little grief because she will not go to sleep. She’s screaming bloody murder when we put her in bed and we have no clue. So she is up and smiling and happy to be with us. I’m a bit happy to have her up a little later only because I don’t get much time to spend with her at night. I come in and she is all smiles for me and today she was playing with her alphabet blocks and she motioned for me to sit with her (At least that is what I saw). So we played for a bit and then I ran to the North Attleboro Animal Shelter to take some photos of some of the cats. Oh they have some cute ones and I’ll be adding them to Flickr tomorrow. You might want to check out the post below I am looking for more photos. If you can’t take one with a sign then please send me a photo and a hope filled message. I would like as many as possible.
I got an e-mail today from Photrade. I haven’t used them in a while but I did do a write up back after Blog World Expo, anyway I have a free pro account for life. And it looks like if I invite people they get a free pro account for a year. I have 4 invites left. Tell you what. There have been many bloggers who are also photographers who have been in contact with me for a while. So they most likely have my e-mail address. If you would like an invite send me a note to my e-mail and if I still have them I will send you an invite. Many things have changed with Photrade since my phone conversation and I must say they have changed for the better. Check them out and let me know if you would like an invite.
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