Entertainment updates…

Oh man there has been so much going on with entertainment lately. I just can’t keep up so here is everything at once.

Allison and I finished all 4 books of the Percy Jackson series. This was a worthy successor to Harry Potter as far as something fun to read. The book is 100% American in its bent and I loved it. Percy in my opinion is also a much better hero than Harry. There I said it. Percy isn’t all mopey and Percy knows that his friends are the people who will help him get through. Harry took too much upon himself and that is where he failed in my opinion. The books were not only well written but they had such amazing descriptions for all the Greek gods and goddesses. This series made me want to take out my mythology books form college and reread them to check for accuracy and the books were pretty accurate from my memory of the myths. The stories were funny, exciting and kept my interest. I wish we didn’t have to wait for the next one to come out.

The four books are.


Hellboy –
I purchased the Hellboy DVD to get a free movie pass. Allison and I watched it the other night. It was good and it came with a digital copy of the movie. I am looking at cutting back on the number of DVD’s that I have and was thinking of doing a contest to give away the movie. Do you think anyone would be interested in the copy of the movie that was shown once and has a digital copy for your PSP or Playstation 3?

The Watchmen
The trailer for this much anticipated movie is now online. I read the graphic novel in college and it was okay. Maybe I didn’t get it but I don’t get all the major hype over this. I much preferred Rising Stars, which I suppose The Watchmen paved the way for. You can see the Watchmen trailer here.


Angel Season 6
Season 6? Yep, season six was done in comic book form and it is fantastic. I read all nine issues that I had last week and got issue #10 yesterday. I still need to read that one. There is some pretty amazing stuff in the book. Many characters from different episodes are there and it is great to see so many of them.


Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog
Are you loving Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog. I am. I bought the 3 episodes for my iPod. I will be able to watch that over and over. So funny. Go to the website and check out the online comic too. Very funny.

Baby Borrowers: Ep #3

I don’t like that Hulu is a week late getting up the episodes of the Baby Borrowers. That means I will be a week behind in my posts about the show. So I guess I should start writing the review part and posting the video and review when the video comes out. That would be smart.

So in this episode we see Sasha lose her mind. She gets a little constructive criticism and freaks out. Swearing and screaming at the mother of the kid they had this week. She turned into a complete mess. And the mother was right, they are not ready to be parents.

Kelly left the house while Austin was in the shower. Great communication skills. We see the nanny has to step in and give him a lecture.

Alicia stepped up and comforted the kid that she was caring for. She is still a self centered person though.

Kelsey had another rough one and this kid was pooping everywhere. It was sick. Poor Kelsey, cleaning someone else’s kid’s poop is horrible.

What I am noticing is that the kids are starting to learn more from this experience. I am more impressed with the boys than the girls though.