Curly Tails

Curly Tails
Photo-A-Day #1247

Geckos back on the blog, that means that I’m back in Florida. Yes, today started my vacation, a two week, no work, all play vacation!

The day came very early. I couldn’t sleep at all so at 2:30 I got out of bed, spent from 2:30-4:00 watching TV/playing Mario Kart Wii. At 5:00am we headed to the airport. Dad rode along with us to take the car back. We flew Southwest and had an excellent time, quick check in, quick security, we even had our own row. Very good experience.

Eva was great on the plane. She is so well behaved. So many people commented on how good she was. Of course, to us she was a non stop handful. I think I was able to read one page of my book, take Eva play for a while hand her back to Allison. She had a snack trap and enjoyed picking out her puffs. She figured it out very quickly, too.

When we arrived Grandpa Dano was there to pick us up. We headed home, had lunch and then I went over to the pool to officially start my vacation. 2 1/2 hours of music, reading and pool time. It was great. While I was there I watched the curly tail geckos run all over.

Eva received a really nice new toy from Grandpa Dano and Mimi. It is called the Fisher-Price Stack and Roll Cups. They say 6+ months. Eva loves the toy and I enjoyed playing with it too. You can stack the cups, fit them together to roll them, nest them and even count them. They are colorful and fun. Eva found a different place to put them though.

Eva has a new toy

Tomorrow we are headed to the Palm Beach Zoo.

BenSpark has 12 XShot(s) 2.0 to Give Away

BenSpark has 12 Xshot 2.0 Camera Extenders to Give Away

When I arrived in Florida for my vacation I already had mail waiting for me. Michael from sent me 12 brand new XShot 2.0 Camera Extenders to give away at IZEAFest 2008 and at Blog World Expo. I haven’t decided how many of them I will bring to each event but I will be giving all twelve away to very lucky bloggers.

BenSpark has 12 Xshot 2.0 Camera Extenders to Give Away

The XShot 2.0 is one of my favorite devices that I keep in my camera bag. I have taken it with me on many trips and it allows me to photograph or film myself anywhere. Because I travel so often I’ve been to some awesome places. Much of the time I am by myself so I am glad to have an XShot 2.0 because I can shoot photos of my self in front of all sorts of things. I used it today to shoot myself at the pool as I settled into vacation mode.

Here’s what makes this product so great. It is so simple. For one thing the connection of your camera to the XShot 2.0 is done with a Quick spin knob, you don’t need coins or screwdrivers, it simply attaches to the tripod mount on your camera. Then you can position the camera adapter 180 degrees so you can get the shot you want. I used my XShot 2.0 in London to position my camera 3 feet above my arms reach and I was able to film the Changing of the Guard without anyone stepping in my way.

BenSpark has 12 Xshot 2.0 Camera Extenders to Give Away

Photo-A-Day #877p 09/02/07

Haven't fallen yet

XShot 2.0 at the "M"

The XShot 2.0 is also light (5oz) and compact, only 9 inches (but it extends up to 37 inches). It is perfect to put in your camera bag, pocket or hang off your backpack when you are doing outdoor activities. I’ve taken mine hiking, in-line skating and snowshoeing.

The XShot 2.0 is an update to the original XShot. It is more rigid, can hold heavier cameras and can extend to multiple ranges. I’ve had an XShot with me for well over a year and it has come in handy on many occasions.

I have 12 of them to give away to 12 lucky bloggers. One of them might be you.