Today was colorful because I suited up and headed back into the office after a two week vacation. It was very weird not to be wearing a Hawaiian shirt. I came back to a new boss and two demonstrations. My new boss is a good friend of mine and I am so happy for him and his promotion. He rocks. Of course, he’ll only be my boss till October 15th when I switch groups.
Today was also colorful because my car rode rough all the way to work, which I attributed to sitting still for 2+ weeks. It was idling very rough too. But I got to work without incident. I completed my first demo, had lunch and headed off to demo #2. The second demo was for customers who were at the office so I had to go to another building to do the demo. I started the car and the check engine light came on, the idle was really rough again so I called my supervisor and told him that I was concerned about the car and was going to stop at the auto shop. We had to do some creative maneuvering but he came and picked me up brought me to the other building so I could demo and then brought me back. Again, He rocks.
The garage was unable to recreate my problem and so I got the car back, minus $108 for the time they spent chasing the issue. I drove the car home and there was nothing else that happened. Gotta love it.
Also we just got a cable box that is also a DVR and for some reason it shows me the ComCast guide but tells me that the station will be available in a few moments but never happens. I need to call them to get this figured out.