I’m staring down another year, why are the multiples of 5 always so significant? It is weird since most of the time we do things in 4s. $ years of college, 4 years of high school and things like that. But 5s are important for anniversaries and other meaningful dates. Well, I’ll be 35 on Thursday and I’ll be starting year #5 of my photo-a-day project. This year will be a significant one because I’m really going to try and learn as much as I can to make my photography the best it can be. Notice to the left of me there is a large stack of items. You might recall those items from the 1st of the year. The stack has gotten smaller but I still have a ways to go. Oh and I am wearing one of my TenBills shirts. These certainly are comfy.
Oh and my FortunateBluFrog Fortune of the day was another repeat. I think I’m going to have to use that online fortune cookie again so I can get a decent fortune. Must get sleep.