Put on a Happy Face

Put on a Happy Face
Photo-A-Day #1623

drive-driving-car-steering-wheel-smiley-emoticon-000682-largeI think that little kids are happy because their toys have such happy smiling faces on them. Makes me wonder if things like our steering wheels had smiley faces on them then maybe we’d think that honking horns were more friendly? Or maybe we’d feel bad about mashing that smiley little face over and over in frustration and anger.

I’ve got to get my smile on this weekend because I need to get some photos done of myself. I hate getting shots of myself. This will be interesting.

Blooming Despite the Weeds

Blooming Despite the Weeds
Photo-A-Day #1622

This morning I started with a rocking workout of an hour. I cranked out 45 minutes on the elliptical machine and 15 minutes on the recumbent bike. I was feeling good. I even pumped up the song “If You’re Going Through Hell” by Rodney Atkins. That song is to be my anthem for a while. I was ready to go, ready to make a big time splash today. It didn’t happen.

I was so excited about things I could do today and then felt blocked at every turn. So I was wondering how everyone deals with people who become roadblocks and how to make them thoroughfares. So here are some tips that I have for you.

Find an Advocate

If you are going to make strides in a company you are going to need an advocate. Find a person who knows your skills and what you can do. This person should be able to put you in front of the people who matter in your company. This person should also be a sounding board for ideas and should help encourage and challenge you. While they challenge you they will also stand behind your wins and losses.

Find a Devil’s Advocate

In every meeting there are people who have their own agendas they will try and push them on you. They are frustrating and will sap your energy. So if you know you are going to come up against a Devil’s Advocate who is not in your corner find one that you can consult with on your ideas prior to meetings. When you can work with a Devil’s Advocate who is in your corner then you can work constructively with the objections to your ideas. When you know the objections and can plan for them you are much better equipped to deal with the devil’s advocates in meetings.

Find a Cheerleader

Occasionally you’re going to have a bad day. You’ll need a person who can help energize you and help you bounce back. Positive people will help continue to be a positive person. Sometimes a really upbeat friend can help you see through the gloom and doom you might be feeling.

Find a Mentor

If you can find someone who has done it all before you that is great. Find someone who is where you want to be, learn from them and help them however you can. This will show people that you can do what needs to be done and you can handle projects that require a higher level of responsibility.

When you have these people in your corner they can help you move or even avoid roadblocks that may jump in your way. Do you have any ways to help you achieve more at work by avoiding or removing roadblocks?