Spinning Whimsy

Spinning Whimsy
Photo-A-Day #2246

After dinner, Eva, Allison and I went outside to blow bubbles. Eva enjoyed spinning around trying to catch them all. We have really enjoyed using the bubbles outside the past few days too. I got the idea to go and shoot some photos while Allison blew the bubbles and Eva chased them because bubbles are so colorful. Let’s just say that it was a little too windy today for me to get a good focus on the bubbles, but this photo turned out to capture what I saw in the fun of bubbles. Continue reading Spinning Whimsy

Blogging: A Money-making Hobby

From time to time I take Guest Posts from different writers. Today Jennifer Bell is going to write about making money blogging. A topic I know a little about and have had some success with over the years.

Blogging: A Money-making Hobby

Why have so many turned to blogging? Why have so many decided that blogging will be their means of supplementing their income? More importantly, why have so many decided to lay claim to their own business where minimal overhead and low costs are the rule of the day? Well, the fact is, blogging is quite simply the easiest way to start your own internet business and because it requires minimal investment, everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon. Some see their blogging as their primary source of income, some see it as a pastime and hobby and yet others see it as a way to pay some of their bills. However, is it as simple as just starting a blog and watching the money roll in? Is someone guaranteed that once they start a blog, that it will bear fruit? Continue reading Blogging: A Money-making Hobby