SwagsGiving 2 Giveaway: Sky Ball Bat and Ball Set

When I went to Time to Play Holiday Showcase I received a Skyball in my bag of swag. I met the rep from Maui Toys and we talked about the Sky Ball and Bat. I contacted him to see about getting some Maui Toys to give away during SwagsGiving. I was able to secure a Sky Ball and Bat set and an a Graffiti Sky Ball 2.0 ball. When we received ours to review Eva and I went outside to play with them. There wasn’t much that we could do with the bat and ball since Eva is four and can’t quite hold a bat and isn’t at the stage where she catches a ball. But she laughed like crazy when I slammed the Graffit Sky Ball onto the patio and we watched it rocket up into the air. That thing can BOUNCE!

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