Preparing for my Session for Trash Can U

Photo-A-Day #2918

Today I gave a session on Building Brand Relationships at the online conference Trash Can U. Essentially I talked about how over the past ten years on this blog I was able to work with many major brands like Philips Norelco, Kodak, YesVideo and MEGA Bloks. I was a little bit nervous to do the talk because even though I’ve worked with many different brands I don’t always find myself to be that successful as a blogger. It is not my full time job or the way that I make a living, it is something I just enjoy doing. But, I do know how to work with brands and how to make a good impression so I am glad that I had that as my session and not how to make a million dollars blogging or something like that.

Oh and you can still sign up for Trash Can U, there are a ton of great sessions and you can even go self paced and watch at your own times. My session was recorded. All sessions are being recorded.

Mini Super Model

Photo-A-Day #2917

Andrew is cracking us up with his antics. He was running around without his shirt tonight (pretty much because it was covered in guacamole). He pulled a magnetic frame off the fridge and stuck his face in it then looked at himself in the reflection of the door. He turned toward us and laughed like crazy. He’s got this incredible impishness about himself.