
Photo-A-Day #3034

This is one of those times where I shot the photo yesterday but am doing the write up today.

I received an Air Hogs Stunt Plane to try out and review. I’ll be reviewing it soon. I wanted to try out the plane while on the Cape because of the huge ball field where I could fly it. Thing was, it was way too windy to do any sort of flying. So, I had this charged plane and no place to fly it.

I figured that I would try and fly it in the yard. I wanted to see how powerful it was and see if I could control it well. The second time in the air I flew it right into the neighbor’s tree, on their side of the fence so I went over with Andrew and a SkyBall and got it out of the tree. A SkyBall is a handy thing to have when getting planes out of trees.

Tomorrow morning I’m going to take the plane, and Eva, over to the big field across the street and see how well it flies, and how well I can fly it.

Okay, so I did fly it this morning (the day on which I am writing this post). Man, it is fun to fly. I’ve got to get a better hang of it and that would be better accomplished on my own without the princess of commentary along for the ride. I did get it stuck in a tree once but used the SkyBall again and got it right down, at the expense of the SkyBall, which stayed in the tree. It is firmly wedged there on a very high branch. Whoops.