Review – Disney Junior Appisodes – Doc McStuffins

Doc McStuffins Appisode

We received a gift code so that we could purchase a Doc McStuffins Appisode. Opinions of it are 100% our own.

The two episodes that are part of the appisode are Rescue Ronda, Ready for Take Off and A Bad Case of the Pricklethorns!. The Appisodes are interactive episodes of the Disney Junior shows. For the Doc McStuffins appisode viewers/players can do things like fly a helicopter by moving around the iPhone, or shoot a basketball into a basket by tapping a basketball. The interactions that happen work seamlessly into the cartoon episode. The viewer helps with many of the key moments of the story. This provides a way for the viewer to feel like part of the story. Continue reading Review – Disney Junior Appisodes – Doc McStuffins