What to do With All These Toys

Photo-A-Day #3039

I don’t find need for much paper on my desk at work. I never have been a paper guy. I have pretty much all of my files on the desktop or in a Google Drive. So there is space on my desk for other things. I choose to fill that space with toys, lots and lots of toys. The toys have really take over, too. I just learned that I’ve got to move to a middle seat in a tripled up cube in a couple of months. I like my desk and I really like having all my stuff spread out on that desk. I am not looking forward to boxing up 2/3 of this stuff and wedging myself over into a triple cube. So, I must whittle things down to the very best stuff to display.

Oh and this photo is a fraction or a fraction of the toys I have on the desk. It is out of control.

Review – Disney’s Robin Hood on Blu-ray

Robin Hood 40th Anniversary Blu-ray

When I was a kid I was a big fan of Robin Hood, King Arthur and Tom Sawyer. I loved reading books about those characters and movies about them as well. I was also young so I saw Disney’s Robin Hood as a kid and I remember it fondly. I loved the characters and animation. The music and stories were fun.

Clip: I’ve Been Robbed

I received a copy of this movie on Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy to watch and review. Opinions about it are 100% my own. I was able to share it with my kids and was so happy to see that Eva enjoyed the movie. She even drew me a bow and arrow to cut out and use. I should have known that Eva would have liked the movie because of the bows and arrows. She is a big fan of the Disney Movie, Brave and so her heroic character reference is Merida. Seeing Robin in the bow and arrow tournament was fun. I loved all the disguises and the wily way that Robin Hood got out of tight spots. Continue reading Review – Disney’s Robin Hood on Blu-ray