Keeping Cool with Gold Bond No Mess Powder Spray

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Gold Bond. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Gold Bond Classic and Fresh

I make no bones about this. I am a big hairy and sweaty guy. My running joke with people is that I sweat from April to October and pretty much only got relief in the Blizzard of ’13. I run hot. I barely wear a jacket and am always hot.

So, when I was offered the chance to try out the New Gold Bond No Mess Powder Spray I was intrigued to find out how it would work for me. I was especially interested in the whole 360 degree spray nozzle on this new product. I’ve used products like this in the past where the spray did not work at different angles. I was happy to find that the spray works very well even completely inverted. Continue reading Keeping Cool with Gold Bond No Mess Powder Spray

Which Uses the Wii U Pro Controller

Photo-A-Day #3065

I ordered and purchased the Wii U Pro Controller because I was tired of using the Wii Remote and the Nunchuck when playing games with the family. I saw that Disney Infinity and Skylanders Giants both show support for this controller. But, guess what, the Wii U Pro Controller is not supported by Disney Infinity at this time even though it is listed on the packaging. So, until they fix it we are back to the wiimote and nunchuck for that game.

Although, the Wii U Pro Controller has been great for Skylanders Giants. I’m still working on the quests for each character. I started working on each and every one of the figures that we have and started with the Life Skylanders. The new controller is great for playing the battle modes of the game. This works well because each figure needs to win 10 battles to completely finish all quests. I’ve got to put together a video about each of the elements and figure how best to show people how to complete those quests quickly for each figure.