Boot to the Head

Photo-A-Day #3158

The Modibot continues to prove to be one of the most posable action figures I’ve ever had. The balance is amazing. I’ve tried to put the figures into all sorts of different poses and they stay in those positions most of the time. Whether they are on one foot or two they stay up. I’ve got an idea for a stop motion movie with them, now if I can figure out how best to make it.

Musical Interlude

Photo-A-Day #3157

We began our day on the Cape. Andrew and Eva played while Allison and I helped out and got ready to head home. I still had to sleep for work and the kids had a playdate. We left pretty early and got home to find Fitzy there waiting for us. Our Elf on the Shelf had returned to delight the kids for the next month.

I’m glad that we packed Fitzy in a place that was easy for us to get at it and that we have a babysitter, house watcher who was able to find him and put him out. Eva was so excited to see Fitzy. We’ll have to get creative for places that Fitzy will land.