Portrait of Batman

Photo-A-Day #3193

Decided that I’d use my Samsung NX300 with the 60mm Macro lens to take some portraits… of my toys. I started with a Batman figure. In addition to the camera and macro lens I also used a gadget that I got from Kickstarter, the Kick. It is a light that I can control with my iPhone. So I shot a bunch of images of Batman in the same position but changed the lighting via the Kick. Here is what that looked like plus what the Kick looks like mounted on a Gorillapod. Continue reading Portrait of Batman

Snow Day 2014

Photo-A-Day #3192

We got a wee bit of snow today and overnight. It finished up snowing around 8am but we were up at 5:30am because that is when Andrew decided to start the day. I got dressed and decided to get out and start shoveling. I shoveled out a path up to the driveway and then shoveled down to the garage to get the tool to clean off Allison’s car. I wanted to get out early to catch my neighbor before he went started using his snowblower. I wanted to get out there to help him out and do the snowblowing. He didn’t call me and I figured he’d be out early. So I cleaned up and went into the house.

Later Allison saw him doing some snowblowing later on around 7:30am so I jumped back into my outdoor clothes and got out to help him out and snowblow. I did the rest of his yard and then did the sidewalks around the house, our backyard and driveway.

Back into the house for pancakes and bacon, two helpings. Some LEGO witht eh kids, some Skylanders and then the kids wanted to go out into the snow. Why not, it was a snow day for Eva after all. Good thing, too because the street where her school is had a major 4 alarm fire. A building actually had to be torn down. I actually took a photo of the cornerstone for my photo a day on April 25, 2008.

But the kids got into their snow clothes, thanks to Allison. We took a walk down the street with the kids in the sled. They enjoyed it. Then they refused to come into the house.

I feel a bit cheated, though. I’ve been home for nearly two weeks and nary a flake. Now the snow is on the ground and I have to go back to work. I can’t even enjoy it now that it has been shoveled.