Blocked into a Corner

Photo-A-Day #3465

Taking Andrew to Play Group every Thursday and Friday has been fun. I spend time building with the blocks so that Andrew can come and smash them to pieces with the tiny play vacuum cleaner. I’m usually the one dad in the group and so the boys gravitate to me for roughhousing. I love it and it is fun. Andrew has a great time there. So glad that there is a program like that in our town.

Welcome My New Niece

Photo-A-Day #3464

Today we went to visit my sister, Shelby at the hospital to meet my new baby niece. The kids are so excited to have another girl in the family. Eva was the most excited of all. She was over the moon to get a chance to hold her new cousin. Andrew wanted to hold her as well, but not at the hospital, we’ll wait till there is a big soft couch around before he does any baby holding. He was so sweet though, wanting to give her kisses. He is so interested in what is happening with her, too. She was crying at one point and I caught a photo of him looking so concerned at her as she cried. Both baby and mommy are doing well. I held the baby and she was so tiny and sleepy. Allison held her as well. We were all so smitten with the sweet girl. Welcome to the family!