Guilty Pleasure Crunch for our Ultimate #MovieNight4Less #CollectiveBias #Ad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone and not those of #CollectiveBias.

Guilty Pleasure Crunch for a #MovieNight4Less with Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn and M&Ms  and Warner Bros. #CollectiveBias #Ad

Going to the movies, even with just Allison and I, is incredibly expensive. Tickets, snacks, sitter, dinner, gas… Yikes. It is so much more economical and comfortable to have a #MovieNight4Less in our own home. When we settle in for a movie night we get comfy on the couch, fire up the widescreen TV and pop up some Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn in the microwave. Only a few years ago did we discover how well M&M’s® compliment a big bowl of popcorn. We had always had both snacks when we went to the movies but never put them together in the same bowl until recently. It was a real, “Where has this been all our lives?” sort of moment.

Movie Night Pallet

I went to Walmart to pick up some supplies for our Ultimate Movie Night. There was the display above which had everything I needed for a fun movie night in for Allison and me. From November 11th to 24th there is a selection of Warner Bros. movies available at deeply discounted prices, $5.00 for DVDS and $7.88 for Blu-rays. You can find this display at participating Walmart locations. Here is a list of store that have the Movie Night For Less pallet. I was able to pick up The bucket List, The Blind Side and The Guilt Trip on DVD for $5.00 each plus a six pack of Orville Redenbacher’s and some M&M’s® in movie style boxes. This week we celebrated our 9th Anniversary, so I wanted to kick up our snacking and make something very special for Allison. To make that extra special snack I also got some pretzel sticks, Spanish peanuts and some checkered-rice cereal. Continue reading Guilty Pleasure Crunch for our Ultimate #MovieNight4Less #CollectiveBias #Ad

Review, Giveaway and Blog Tour for John Rocco’s Book, Blizzard

Blizzard blog tour banner

I was sent a copy of John Rocoo’s book, Blizzard. I knew one thing about John and that was that he wrote and illustrated this book about the Blizzard of ’78. I was four when that happened and we lived right over the Rhode Island border, close to where the story takes place. I remember being in our house with no electricity, a two year old sister and a brand new puppy. I’m sure that my Mom remembers that blizzard much more vividly than the rest of us because she had to deal with the new puppy and two kids under 5. My Dad was out helping to plow the snow. I remember being told that if I even step out of the house I’d get lost in a snow drift.

Illustration copyright © 2014 by John Rocco. BLIZZARD
Illustration copyright © 2014 by John Rocco. BLIZZARD

Reading this book to the kids made me think back to that Blizzard as much as my four year old self remembered. Mostly it was things that people told me and no so much what we did during that time. I can’t remember it all that clearly. John is older than me and when the Blizzard of 78 hit he was old enough to be outside and help. Blizzard is a story of how a young boy helped his neighborhood during that Blizzard.

Continue reading Review, Giveaway and Blog Tour for John Rocco’s Book, Blizzard