National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Photo-A-Day #3768

Today was National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. One of my co-workers brought in ice cream sandwiches. I took mine and added some magic shell and some peanut brittle crunch to doctor it up. The results were delicious!

Today is also the 40th wedding anniversary for my in-laws. They have been up this way for the past couple weeks and have been with us for a few days. We all went to House of Fortune for dinner tonight to celebrate. We went early so I could go and still make it to work on time. Excellent meal, as always, and Eva even tried a bunch of new things. She didn’t like everything but the point was that she got adventurous and tried.

Andrew Loves this Zucchini

Photo-A-Day #3767

One of my co–workers has a huge garden with 14 zucchini plants. They are growing huge and so she brings some in to the office. I took two home and they were enormous. When I got home Andrew came running to meet me and he wanted to hold one of the zucchini. He ended up hugging it in this photo. It was almost as tall as his torso and head. Continue reading Andrew Loves this Zucchini