Skylanders SuperChargers came out today and I was running from store to store picking up pre-ordered items and buying other figures that I hadn’t pre-ordered. I then played the game and put away all of the figures that I had into one giant box. That is, after I added each one to the new portal and took ownership of the figure. It was time consuming but I got it all completed and everything picked up before Allison and the kids came home and before I had to go to work.
I did try a couple of races with the new characters and had a great time with them. I do have almost all of the figures that are out. I learned that there is a very rare Golden Hot Streak in very few starter packs for PS4, PS3, XBox 360 and XBox One. A little to much to buy a starter pack for a system I don’t even own for a rare figure.
I also made a couple more unboxing videos. You can see them below. Continue reading Start Your Engines Skylanders SuperChargers is Here!