Netflix, Our Get Along Viewing Choice #StreamTeam

This post is part of my ongoing series as part of the Netflix #StreamTeam. I am compensated for my participation in the program. Opinions of the shows and service are 100% m own.

Being Sweet

In our house we have two kids with very different tastes in entertainment. Eva is getting older and starting to watch more shows with real people in them. Andrew is four and he loves cartoons and silly stuff. He absolutely loves Masha and the Bear. Eva is a bigger fan of shows like Girl Meets World and Fuller House. Eva is also very exciting about all the episodes of Cupcake Wars.So, when we cannot agree on what to watch as a family we go with the Yugo Method. That means You Go then I Go. Each of the kids get their choice of a show and then it switches to the other child. However, there are many more choices on Netflix that both kids agree upon. This month Netflix has created some new playlists for siblings. There are many different kinds of siblings and sibling combinations. Maybe you have a large gap between the kids’ ages. Maybe one child is a bit of an imp, Like Andrew and the other is a sweetheart, like Eva. And then sometimes you just want to have everyone compromise. Three new playlists will help you cover those scenarios. Take a look at these playlists.

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