New The Jungle Book Clips and Featurette

Mowgli and Baloo

While several of my friends are getting all ready to walk the red carpet to see the new live action movie, The Jungle Book, I’m watching vicariously from social media. I was invited to attend but couldn’t get extra time off. I would have loved to have met Jon Favreau. I have been a fan of his work for a long time and the animated Jungle Book is one of my all time favorite movies. I even tried to watch it yesterday to get Andrew to calm down and go to sleep. The original is slow by today’s standards and so a little boy who is super active and has to slow down a bit my succumb to the charms of a snake like Kaa and get some rest. But alas, no, he was monkeying around like King Louie the whole time. I had to invoke my Shere Khan voice to try and settle him. Didn’t work. I hope that my friends have an amazing time at the premiere and enjoy the movie, which looks beautiful. You can see some examples of the work from the movie below including two clips and one featurette.

“The Legacy” Featurette

“Hibernation” Film Clip

“Mowgli Leaves The Pack” Film Clip

More about the movie below. Continue reading New The Jungle Book Clips and Featurette

Opening Day at Snappy Dogs and a Star Wars Surprise!

A Sneak at my Star Wars Box
Photo-A-Day #4008

Today was the opening day of one of my favorite Hot Dog joints, Snappy Dogs. This is a place I have been visiting since 2012 when I went with my pal Rob from Hot Dog Stories. We did the July hot dog tour around New England and it was so much fun. I’ve loved going to Snappy Dogs ever since. This year they have a new location at Weston Nurseries in Hopkinton. It is right around the corner from my sister’s house so I texted her to meet up. So she brought the kids after playgroup and we got there right before a huge rush. We were lucky to get there early.

I got Andrew a dog which he gets without a bun, then I got one with a bun and my niece and nephew split it. One had the bun and the other the dog. I got myself a Great Dane with Dill relish, onions, mustard and jalapenos. I also got Allison a couple of Whoopie Dogs to bring home. We had a nice time and I took some video which you can see below.

As you can tell from the video, I received a box of fun Star Wars stuff. It is for a Star Wars party. Inside were tons of great toys from Hasbro and also the movie on Blu-ray. I received this for free to do reviews later.

I also received for free an AtmosFlare 3D Drawing Pen. I am excited to use that.