Photo-A-Day #4056
When Andrew rides with me we play this little game with a set of flash cards. The flash cards have upper and lowercase letters on them. Andrew will read me a letter and I am to give him a word for that letter. Some days I will go big and give him really long words. Other days my brain isn’t firing so he gets short common words. It is fun working with him on words because he asks great questions and I can tell him the definitions of the words and he then uses them in conversation later in the correct context.
Today was a busy one around the house. Eva’s First Communion is Sunday so we were getting the place looking nice inside and out. Also there was a lot of food being prepared. Allison’s parents are here with us and they made 100 meatballs and about 50 sausages. I’m pretty sure that we will be more than ready with food for our guests on Sunday. I am less hopeful about the weather but the outdoor furniture has been cleaned up. I mowed, rakes, used the blower and the weed-whacker so that should look halfway decent. I met a neighbor who is starting a landscaping business and am hiring him to clean up the rest of the spots around the house that I have been unable to get to. He should do that sometime next week.