New Pete’s Dragon Activity Sheets, Stills and Clips

Pete and Elliot

We are looking forward to Pete’s Dragon. The original is Allison’s favorite movie and I hope that the reimagining of this story is equally as important to her and also to my children. I seem to recall that the original was one of the first movies that I saw in a theater when I was three years old. I hope that the kids are in as much wonder at this dragon as I was with the original animated Elliot.

I have an activity packet for you to download. It is full of some great activities for you to do with your kids. Much of it is about the importance of imaginative play.


The movie does not come out for a few week yet but I do have these couple of clips and more after the jump that you can watch.

Elliot the dragon

“Elliot Takes Pete for a Ride”

“I’m Out in Those Woods Every Day”

PETE’S DRAGON flies into theatres everywhere on August 12th!

More about Pete’s Dragon below. Continue reading New Pete’s Dragon Activity Sheets, Stills and Clips

I Learned it on Netflix – #StreamTeam

Justin Time Go

Netflix has been our go to source of entertainment for a while now. I’m a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam and this is a post on their behalf. I wrote one each month around a specific theme and because I write mostly about the kids shows. The theme this month is “I Learned it on Netflix”. There are so many things that the kids have learned from Netflix and the great shows that they are watching. They are watching quite a few of them and are picking up some great information.

Andrew is a huge fan of shows like Justin Time and the new Justin Time Go. I’m not sure if he learned this bit of information from that show or not but one day out of nowhere he busts out the knowledge of being able to tell the difference between Stalagmites and Stalactites. He got very excited when he was describing them as seen in the animated gif below.

The kids both love the ocean and because of that they enjoy Octonauts. They use that knowledge when they are on Cape Cod. They are always telling me new and exciting things that they learned.

Now Eva, she is also learning as much as she can about cooking and baking because she has the the dream of opening her own sweet shoppe someday. So shows like Chef’s Table and Kids Baking Championships.

She sees that kids are able to do amazing things with food and she continues to learn as much as she can. She is also learning more and more about science so she’s excited about shows like ODD SQUAD and Project Mc2. Learning about time zones and gravity and other concepts of Science.

Continue reading I Learned it on Netflix – #StreamTeam