Photo-A-Day #4321
Today was the start of Dad 2.0 2017 and it was a really nice day. I got up and hung out at my cousin’s house in the morning. She let me stay there last night. I did a little work and then took an Uber over to the hotel. My room was ready already ready when I arrived and so I unpacked and got settled.
Once unpacked I went back downstairs and got registered for the Best Buy Drone excursion. We loaded up onto buses to Mission Bay where we could fly two different DJI drones: The Mavic Pro and the Phantom 4 Pro. We each got 5 minutes with each of the drones and when it was done we got a micro SD card that had recorded our flights. Both drones were so much fun to fly and they worked really well. I had never flown professional drones before, just toys. These were awesome. I have footage in today’s vlog.
After flying we went to lunch at Phil’s BBQ. There we had some chicken and ribs along with great beans and macaroni salad. Really good macaroni salad. Then it was back to the hotel.
Back at the hotel, my roommate for the weekend, Derek of Dads Landing arrived and we hung out. Then we went to the opening party. It was nice to see so many familiar faces and to meet new folks as well.