Serious Acting

serious acting
Photo-A-Day #4369

Eva has been in an acting program for the past 8 weeks. This is the second time that she has done the program and she has really enjoyed it both times. She’s even signed up for a third go around. It is through her friend’s mom. She has the kids to her home and teaches them about different acting techniques, they do theater games and more. They also mix in some history and much more. The girls and one boy, have a great time. Tonight they had their final program. It was held in the presentation space of An Unlikely Story, a local bookstore and meetspace that is owned by Diary of a Wimpy Kid author, Jeff Kinney. This is such a nice bookstore. The building also pays tribute to the history of the town and the building that stood in the space before this one.

The kids did selections from Mary Poppins, some original songs as well. Songs about Salvadore Dali, Susan B. Anthony and Joan of Arc. It was a nice evening and we are very proud of Eva.

Opening Mario Sports Superstars amiibo Packs

Mario Sports Superstars amiibo packs
Photo-A-Day #4368

We received download codes for Mario Sports Superstars for free to try out the game and promote it. Opinions are our own. I went out and bought a couple of amiibo packs to enjoy with the game. This is my first pack to open and I wanted to show you how they loaded into the game. I also wanted to see if you could load them into Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. You can and they don’t do anything special like give link a racehorse or bats and golf clubs. That would have been cool.