Photo-A-Day #4380
Today is my 43rd birthday. I took the night off because working on my birthday is not my idea of fun. I wanted to be home with the family.
We went to Palm Sunday Mass with my parents and then I took a nap from the previous night’s work. When I woke up we went over to Brigg’s Corner Pizzeria for dinner. We went early because our night’s activity was watching The Goonies. While it was funny to see it with the kids, they weren’t into it. Eva found it scary but she made it all the way to the end. She was not a fan. I guess we should have gone with Back to the Future, which was the other option. Next time. I think that we also have to wait a bit longer for the kids to watch other 80’s movies. Maybe for my 44th birthday.
Allison and the kids made me such a great cake. Eva carefully selected some action figures that I liked for the cake toppers. She said, “I just thought like a 10 year old and there we go!”