Photo-A-Day #4389
We took it easy today. We hung out at the room in the morning and did a few things. The kids worked on puppet show video that we made for Netflix. They had fun making the sock puppets a while back and then putting together the show. They had written some things down but when it came time to actually do the show they improvised their show. The improvisation ended up dragging a bit so I clipped a lot of the video down to something that I hope is more watchable. They tried. You can watch the video on my YouTube Channel.
Later in the morning we decided to give Escape the Room from ThinkFun a try. I received this game back in July at Blogger Bash and never got a chance to try it out before today. It was a fun game and had a great time working together to get out of the room. We ended up solving the game in one hour and 8 minutes. That was really quick in my opinion. I may be biased and the game is for ages 10 and up. We completed it with two under 10 and both contributed a lot to the overall completion of the game.
We then had some lunch and got ready to go out on an adventure. We drove up the Kancamagus to the Champney Falls Trail parking area. We were going to walk out to Champney Falls but there was too much snow and we couldn’t find the actual trail. We did walk along the water for a while until everyone got too tired of stepping through the snow. Andrew was having a great time and he’s fearless so he kept going on ahead. I would have been right with him but wanted to make sure that Allison and Eva got where they were going, too.
On the way back to the room we stopped a few places to take photos. The kids enjoyed taking great hero poses with great backdrops of Loon Mountain.
At the resort it was time for the ice cream social. We each had an ice cream sundae. We were near the tail end of the people who participated and they were still going strong even after serving 50 people. They had all kinds of toppings, too. It was well done.
Back at the room Eva and I started working on some stop motion animation using the Stopmotion Explosion program and our Modibots. I helped her get started and then after dinner Eva continued on her own as we watched The Jungle Book on Netflix. I finally worked out something with the Google Chromecast by making my phone a hotspot and using the other phone to cast the show through Netflix. It worked out way better. Eva was so proud of herself for making a 21 second stop motion movie. She worked really hard on it. I put that into today’s video, too.