Photo-A-Day #4395
At Philly BrickFest LIVE 2017 I bought the LEGO Animation Book from Dave Picket from Brick 101. I gave it to Eva and she immediately started reading it. She saw that it was signed and she lost her mind with happiness. She came running to me to hug me and it is now one of her most prized possessions. I downloaded Stop Motion Studio so that she could start work on her own Stop Motion movies. She went and got out the LEGO bricks that she and Andrew share and got to work. She was working really fast with the program and I know that this is something that she;s going to continue working with. I may have to build her a little studio.
While at Philly BrickFest I was looking for many Marvel LEGO sets. I really wanted to find the Guardians of the Galaxy sets and I was successful in doing so. I then found some additional Marvel sets and some other things along the way. This is my haul video.