Photo-A-Day #4465
We headed down to the Cape today for the Fourth of July Holiday. It has been a while since we’d been down to the house and I was looking forward to getting there. I was looking forward to getting away from the humidity at home.
I could not sleep today. I tried but it just wasn’t happening. So, I had a headache and at the same time was exhausted. Instead I played some Legend of Zelda because I am addicted to this game and am working on the Master mode, which means playing the game all the way through again. It is way harder this time around. I really miss having all the power I had the first time through or at least what I had once I hit 100%.
We had a nice dinner as a family. Eva created an appetizer plate for everyone and we had fish including swordfish. It was delicious and nice to have the whole family around. It was also nice to be right there at the beach.