Photo-A-Day #4694
We are two sleeps away from our trip to Walt Disney World as part of the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. This is the very first time I have ever been invited and the whole family is incredibly excited! One of the things that we are doing is going on the Disney Dream for a 3 day cruise and on the last night of the cruise we have Pirate Night! The day after Halloween this year I went to Spirit, the Halloween store and picked up these two outfits on some deep discount. Eva’s is the more elaborate one but Andrew’s worked out to be pretty nice as well.
As we started packing last night I let them try on their costumes. They were both thrilled to get a chance to wear them an they are all sorts of excited about wearing them on the ship! This is going to be an amazing adventure and I hope that you follow along with us on my social channels like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for the latest videos, and pictures. Make sure that you search for the hashtag #DisneySMMC for everything.