Photo-A-Day #4729
This coming Saturday is National Crayon Day. It is a great day to break out a fresh box of crayola crayons and get to coloring. I wrote an article for the Toy Insider Parent Advisory Board all about crayons and my project of using every crayon in the box. This is something that I try and do every year. This year I’m working on doing this once again and making a video of it. I may even do it as a livestream. I just have to decide what picture to color.
I was home today because I took last night off for the Father/Daughter dance. So, I was home to go to church with the family and then we went to Mackie’s for breakfast. We had to sit in Miss Ashley’s section, which was at the counter. The kids loved it. While we were eating a man came up and gave each of the kids hot wheels cars. He talked to Allison and said that he picks them up and hands them out to kids because he likes how it always makes the kids happy. It was a really nice thing for him to do. Andrew even got a Batmobile.
In other superhero news when I woke Andrew up he refused to get out of bed and go anywhere unless we were going out to watch Spider-Man Homecoming at the movies. He must have remembered that I suggested it for watching yesterday, but instead we watched Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. We did end up watching the movie this afternoon and Andrew was interested for the first hour and then went to play with his toys, loudly. This is something he does when he’s finished watching a show. We’re working on that.