SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY – Coloring Pages and New Clip

Han and Chewy

With the Solo movie coming out in a couple of weeks I have some fun things to share with you including some coloring pages and a new clip. I am excited to see the movie. It looks like a Western and space westerns are the best!

Yesterday was Star Wars day and well, I couldn’t get this posted then. There is a new clip available, too.

I also have a bunch of coloring pages. Just click each image to download the .pdf. Continue reading SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY – Coloring Pages and New Clip

Remembering Grandpa Bennett

The Four Andrew BennettsOur quartet is now a trio.

This morning we lost my grandfather, Andrew E. Bennett, Sr., my father’s namesake, mine and all the way down the line to my own son, Andrew the 4th. It was very important to me that whenever all four of us were together that we took a photo together. Something so that my son would always feel the connection to his grandfather and his great-grandfather and the legacy of his name.

Visiting Camden Yards with Dad and Grandpa Bennett

For Grandpa Bennett’s 80th birthday in 2010 my father and I went with Grandpa to see his beloved Red Sox play the Oriels at Camden Yards. It was a special trip that I will remember forever.

With Grandpa Bennett at Baltimore Inner Harbor 2010

Grandpa was always a man in motion. He’s had more jobs than you can count and each time you think you’ve heard them all you find out that he also did something else. Even after retirement he still kept incredibly busy playing softball and working at the Harwich Housing Authority. He had the hustle and drive of a man half his age.

Celebrating Christmas with Grandpa Bennett 2010

When illness slowed him down he still continued to root for and also berate his Red Sox. He also read, a lot. He spent a lot of time reading. While he always read spiritual books as long as I’ve known him he also liked mysteries and action adventure novels, something I only learned this year. Upon learning that I immediately pulled up the app on my phone and ordered him a book in large print to have shipped to his house. I am so happy that I could share with him one of my favorite writers and my favorite story from that writer and found that he really enjoyed the book, too.

Grandpa Bennett Giving the Blessing

Grandpa always gave the blessing at every family event. Every wedding, before every meal, you name it. He thought the world of all his grandchildren and great-grandchildren and would pray for each and every one daily. No small feat for a man who was a father to eight children.

Grandpa and Grandma loved each other so much. They have been an inspiration to me in so many ways. Raising a family, making sacrifices, working hard and loving your spouse.

There is so much more that I could say but this is the part in the blessing where he would get choked up and have to pause to finish. I got that from him too. We all got so much from him and he will be missed dearly.