Review: Spyro Reignited Trilogy


I recently received a download code for The Spryo Reignited Trilogy for the XBox One. I did not play any of the Spyro games when they first came out and I really missed out on some fun games. Playing Spryo has been a great time! My first introduction to Spryro was playing Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure. He became my favorite character in the game and I have enjoyed playing as him in Skylanders. I have not played Skylanders in a while and after playing The Spyro Reignited Trilogy I want to pull out all the toys and play again. But that won’t happen until I play through the whole Spyro Reignited Trilogy.

This is a beautiful game. It has been fully remastered and it looks incredible! Gameplay is fast and simple. Spyro runs around, jumps, shoots fire and glides. I enjoy that as I play through certain areas I am told when I have completed the level 100%. I am also really enjoying the soundtrack for the game and learned that the original composer of the games’ soundtrack, Stewart Copeland is back to also re-imagine the soundtrack. It is one of the more fun games I have played in a while. This has been fun for the kids as well. Andrew has asked many times to play the game and he has picked it up quickly. It makes me so proud!

You can read more about the game’s launch below and also see the game launch trailer. Continue reading Review: Spyro Reignited Trilogy

In Days of Old

In Days of Old - Voltron
Photo-A-Day 2.0 – #00006

I’ve had my old toys on my brain lately. My friend Becky asked me if I was going to start making some videos of my old toys and I will, just not that soon. A few things have to happen before I go and get my old toys and bring them to my house. There is the matter about a place to store them. Right now, we don’t have any place to store them because we haven’t done the attic yet. The attic needs to be made ready for insulation. Adding many boxes of toys to the attic at this point will not help get the insulation job done any faster.

Once I do get my old toys back here I’m going to have to go through them and when I do there will be more videos made with them.