The Zax Influencer Package Contents

With Zax
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I received a free blogger/influencer package from Zing Toys with ZAX inside. They sent a target, 4 Zax axes and the package was incredible! I will be doing a review at a later date. Opinions are my own.

Axe throwing is a new trend with Axe throwing bars and locations popping up everywhere. Well, it is a bit too heavy and dangerous for kids so Zing created Zax. I saw these at Sweet Suite and had to check them out. I’ve had a couple of them for a while but no target. Now I have a perfect target for them and Andrew and I will be playing with these often. The full review will be part of my Video Holiday gift guide in November.

Z-Ax Blogger activation

I did bring the pack to work so everyone could try them out during out downtime.

Read to Me, Dad! Review – The Time Machine

The Time Machine
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I received a review copy of The Time Machine from The Quarto Group for free. Opinions are my own.

H.G. Wells is easily the father of the science fiction novel. His works are timeless. The Time Machine is a perfect candidate for the Classics Reimagined series that the Quarto Group has put out. Other works include Frankenstein and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. A story like The Time Machine has been redone by so many people over the years. This take on the work uses the unabridged version of the book with illustrations by Ale + Ale, two Italian artists Alessandro Lecis and Alessandra Panzeri. The illustrations are beautiful and the way the book is laid out also includes interesting typefaces and graphic design. It is a classic made modern again.

While the content is very dense I can remember reading it as a kid. Or maybe I know the story because in science fiction it is ubiquitous, everyone has sampled from it in most time travel movies, books, comics, and TV shows. No, I’m pretty sure I read it as a kid. Reading it again I still find the wording challenging. However, it is worth reading because of how influential the book was been. It may be easier to convince your kids to read it in this format because of the illustrations throughout. They break things up and enhance the enjoyment of the read.

You can pick the book up on and if you do please consider using our affiliate link to get the book. The Time Machine.