Last Day of School Breakfast

Last Day of School Breakfast

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00528

Andy came into our room this morning to let us know that he intended to make a special breakfast for the last day of school. At least he let us know first, sometimes he does not do that, he just mixes up pancake or crepes mix. He doesn’t make the pancakes or crepes but he can mix everything up. We got him to hold off until after Allison and I could go for a morning walk. However, once we got home Andy put Allison to work getting a nice big breakfast together. She made special pancakes, sausage AND bacon, strawberries and more. We had a nice breakfast and then the kids finished up their last day of school.

It was also a big day because Eva has been doing an Outschool class, she started on Tuesday. She had that and she also hosted a dance party for her school friends. I helped her set up my office with the green screen so that she could play DJ and dance around with a cool background. The girls loved this event so much they decided that they want to do one each week with a different decade as the theme for the playlist.

Morning by the Riverwalk

Morning Walk

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00527

I’m in a step competition at work and after recently getting a Fitbit I’ve been trying to up my walking numbers each day. My goal is 10,000 steps and this morning I did 11,000 before 9:30am. I got up and walked to the park and discovered that once around the loop is about 950 steps. So I would move to the outside and try to get more steps on each lap around the park. I did five of them and then walked the reverse route that I normally take and added two bridges to finish things off. That got me to 11,000 before I got home. Can’t do it that way every day but when I get a chance I will try.

earning his Brown Belt

In the afternoon we went over to America’s Best Defense to receive our brown belts. Andy and I earned these and as the dojo is preparing to open they did a drive up belt ceremony and testing. Andy had to run through his forms for Sensei Wilson before he could get his belt. He did a great job. I am so proud of all of his hard work.

Brown Belts

After we got our belts it was time to take the family out for Ice Cream.