Carp in Attleboro

Carp in the Boro

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00536

Allison and I were taking a walk this morning and when we got behind Cumberland Farms we heard some splashing in the water and branches crashing. I thought it may be someone’s dog or cat had fallen into the water but Allison spotted some rather large fish all splashing and pushing together. I snapped this photo of them and that was a bit too far out so I zoomed in more and saw them much closer but the photo is a bit grainy.

Carp in Attleboro

I posted the image to both Twitter and a page all about Attleboro. The overwhelming consensus was that these are some form of Carp. Whether or not they are the invasive Asian Carp remains to be seen. But it was pretty cool to see some fish in the river. I hardly ever see anything.

Spend Time on the Track with Your Kids This Father’s Day – Mario Kart 8

Race Day with Andy

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00535

I received a download code for Mario Kart 8 from Nintendo for Father’s Day. Opinions are my own.

One of the games that I love playing most with the kids is Mario Kart. We’ve had several versions and the latest version is Mario Kart 8. I’ve had a copy of the game for a while and I think I got it specifically so that I could use it with the Nintendo Labo system that Nintendo sent to me. With the vehicle kit you can build a steering wheel and a gas pedal to play games but it also works with Mario Kart 8. Andy has been using that a lot recently. He’s practicing up to race against me. I’m the undefeated family champ. You don’t grow up with the NES and playing every day after school and lose that title willingly!

Disclaimer: Those images on our Switch Screens are screen grabs from two different sets of races. Our first set I won and so should have a gold trophy. I did not snap a photo. Andy did nd he had come in second so he has Silver. My screen is showing the results of our second set of races where I came in 3rd against the computer players and Andy came in 7th. So.. Still family undefeated.

Nintendo Bowser

So I had Mario Kart 8 already and I was offered a copy of a game from Nintendo for Father’s Day. They had a selection of really fun games like.

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • Luigi’s Mansion 3
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
  • Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield
  • Super Mario Odyssey
  • Super Mario Party
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

The thing is, I have all of them. Every single one. I had to decide what game would be the best to have a second copy of so that we could each play independently on our Nintendo Switch at the same time against each other. See, even though I have the game and the kid can play all of the games we own on their own Nintendo Switch you need two copies of the games to play at the same time. So what would be most fun to play head to head.

The choice was obvious. It had to be Mario Kart. A close second was Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and that may be an option at a later date but right now it is all about racing.

Andy and I took our individual Nintendo Switches to the backyard and hung out at the patio table and payed several races together tonight. You can choose to play up to 48 races in a shot! We only did 8 twice. As long as we are both on the same Wireless network we can be anywhere in the house and play against each other. It is so much fun having your own screen to play on but still play head to head. I think we’ll try doing this on my office TV and the Living Room TV. That way we both have huge screens to use.

What I am saying it that this Father’s Day if you want to spend some quality fun time with Dad get him a Nintendo game that you can both play.