Big Bubbles in the Park

Big Bubbles in the Park

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00642

Each morning Allison and I take a 3 1/2 mile walk. Park of the walk is around the local park and this morning there were two people making giant bubbles. I didn’t get the greatest picture of this but they were taking turns making the bubbles and also photographing the bubbles. It was nice. Made me think of the giant bubbles that we checked out this Summer. Review: Giant Bubbles Means Giant fun with WOWmazing Giant Bubble Wands Kits

It’s Only Paint

Andy and Eva Painting

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00641

I posted yesterday’s photo of Eva and the can of paint to my Instagram and Facebook wall. People really responded to it and were amazed that I was going to let her paint her room herself. You just have to say to yourself, “It’s only paint.” The good thing about painting is that you can paint over if you mess up. She is growing up and wants to have more independence so it is easy to start with something like this. I got her all set up and then showed Eva and Andy how to prep the can, dip the brush and wipe the excess off. Had them get a damp rag to clean up any spots that got on the floor, too. I cut in the ceiling because I’m tallest and Eva did not feel comfortable doing it herself. I was happy to do it. The kids did much of the painting of this one wall themselves, unsupervised. I had to get some sleep before work so I just let them go at it and take care of the painting. We’re going to go around the room fairly slowly because we have to shift things around in order to do each wall. I’m pretty sure that Eva wants to have it all done before her birthday so she’s in a hurry, but, it will get done when t gets done.

One Wall Done

When I woke up I saw that they had worked well together on the wall. I wasn’t woken up so they must have cooperated much of the time, too. The color is called Lavender Mist.

For dinner we went to Mac and Walt’s and enjoyed their outdoor dining. Allison and I completed a strict 30 days of no red meat, no soda and no extras so to reward ourselves for the hard work we went for excellent burgers at a tasty location.

Fried Pickles

We couldn’t pass up the fried pickles on the menu either. That is one of our family’s favorite appetizers.

Bacon Cheeseburger at Mac and Walts

I went with their bacon cheeseburger and was no disappointed in my selection. It tasted amazing. This was our first time out anywhere since the pandemic started. Mac and Walt’s does a nice job sticking to social distancing and keeping everything clean and disinfected. Patrons must make reservations and have a seating time allotment of an hour and 15 minutes for a group of four. That worked well for us.