Avatar on the Nightstand

Avatar Comics
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00785

When Avatar: The Last Airbender started on Netflix I tried to get the kids to watch. They watched one episode and that was that. Then Eva discovered the show on her own and loved it. She then watched all through, The Legend of Korra and couldn’t wait until I finished watching both series. Once I had finished we looked to see if there were any comic books based on the shows and found that there were a ton of them. So we bought a bunch of comics and that has been what we have been reading ever since.

Clay Cross

Clay Cross
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00784

Eva is not the only artistic one in the house. Andy has been doing a lot with Clay recently. He learned that one of his friend’s grandfather passed away recently. So, he decided to make a clay cross and necklace for her. The boy is a sweet kid with a huge thoughtful heart. He’s also pretty skilled making things out of clay.