A Little Goofy Time With Andy

A little goofy time with Andy
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00803

Don’t ask me where this kid comes up with his ideas. I know that he likes to entertain people and make them laugh. Tonight he got all dressed in his karate sparring gear including the mouth guard. This kid is a nut sometimes. Of course he doesn’t always pick up on the best times for his shenanigans. He usually pulls this kind of thing when we are in the middle of anything else. Tonight Eva and I were trying to watch a Blu-ray for review before I headed to work. So, it is the perfect time for Andy to bust in with his silliness. Or, at least, he thinks that way.

In my facebook memories I did get this silly video from 7 years ago when Andy was being Andy.

So, some things have not changed.

Framing Our Anniversary Gift

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00802

This year was our 15th wedding anniversary. We were going to go away for the weekend for a big comedy show at Foxwoods and also for a spa day, too. Well, we all know what happened with this year and plans.

Instead of that we decided to get something for ourselves that was meaningful to us. Our wedding song is a song called Words by singer songwriter Ellis Paul. Ellis has been doing a ton of live shows on Facebook Live and Patreon. He is also a pretty talented visual artist and he offered for people to buy hand written song lyrics and we decided that we’d like to have Words written out so that we could frame it. The artwork arrived back in November but we haven’t had a time where we were both around to go to Preservation Framer to decide on a frame for the artwork. My cousin, Matt owns Preservation Framer and his team does a fantastic job with everything that they frame. We went in and picked out a frame, matte and accent matte. We’re very excited for the finished product to be hanging on our wall.