The Big Hunter

Big Hunter
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00793

We were up early this morning because of this guy. He decided to show what a good hunter he was by bringing Eva a dead mouse. The mouse, however, was not one that he caught. No, James brought the mouse up still in the trap that had caught it. So, Eva came into our room and told us, “James brought a dead mouse in a trap up to my room.” This was at 5:45am What a way to start the day. So I took a photo of James and added the caption to it.

Snap Ships FUSION Builds Review – Force and Komplex Sets – Build to Battle

Snap Ships Fusion Sets
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00792

The folks at PlayMonster sent me six of their new Snap ships Fusion sets for free to play with and review. Opinions are my own.Snap Ships came out last year and in that time they released a bunch of cool looking space ships that you can quickly and easily snap together. The toy not only launched with they toys but also with a YouTube channel and cartoon and an AR enabled app. So there is a lot coming from Snap Ships. This year they launched a new group of Snap Ships but they are much smaller in scale and they are all about combining builds to make better and better ships. I was sent 6 unique drones. There were 3 Forge ones and 3 Komplex ones. the Forge are the good guys and The Komplex are the bad guys. I have foudn that I really like the look of The Komplex ships over that of The Forge ships. Better colors and details on Komplex ships. I’m not as much of a fan of The Forge.

So I received these six sets.

  • Snap Ships K-Crawler Suppression Mech (Komplex)
  • Snap Ships K-Dive Ambush Drone (Komplex)
  • Snap Ships K-Swarm Strike Drone (Komplex)
  • Snap Ships BP-48 Biped Mech (Forge)
  • Snap Ships RL-55 Assault Drone (Forge)
  • Snap Ships DA-63 Turbine Drone (Forge)

I made a video detailing them and also my overall opinions of each set. Take a look below.

If you want to start or add on to your Snap Ships collection please consider using my affiliate links below to get started.