Sunrise at Capron Park

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00835

We’re back walking at the park in the mornings and it is a great time of year because we are seeing the beautiful sunrises that are happening each morning. Allison and I will start the walk and then she’ll head home to get ready for school. I will keep walking a few more times around the park and every other day I will run a few times around the park.

I got myself some new bluetooth headphones that will stay in my ears as I run around the park. I also have a special vest coming that will hold my phone for me. It is also reflective. I don’t really run on the road or at night but it is a good safety feature.

Hosta Shoots

Hosta Shoots
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00834

Spring has arrived and with it are new Hosta shoots. Soon they will be blooming and covering all of that area around a tree on the yard. The tree is blossoming, too. In an instant the whole yard will be green.

Of course, that means that the Wisteria is going to go crazy, too. I’ll be trimming that back very, very soon.