Getting in the Steps

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00833

I’m using the fitbit more now because I got back into walking and have also started running. I have to run a mile for my krav black belt test and I have to run it in a certain amount of time. Today I went and got over 10,000 steps for the first time in a long time. This will be a more regular thing as I continue to train.

Eva’s Mushroom Land in Minecraft

Evas Minecraft
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00832

Both kids enjoy playing Minecraft. Andy plays way more often but when Eva gets the chance she makes some pretty spectacular stuff. Minecraft is a game I simply cannot get into. It is first person and that makes me a little woozy just thinking about it. I much prefer a third person perspective when I am gaming. I like being able to see my character actually doing the things. However, the kids really enjoy playing this game and they are always creating fun worlds to play in.